Friday, December 11, 2009

How Do Antioxidants Work?

In this contemporary world no one has spare time to spend some enjoyable moments with family and friends. Every one has a busy schedule which many times lead to disturbance of health. It is a fact that health needs proper care. But due to lack of time and business we fail to provide complete nutrition to our body. As we all know that our body requires proper amount of vitamins and minerals to work properly. Vitamins and minerals help in making thousands of hormones, enzymes and other chemicals which helps in proper functioning of our body. These vitamins and minerals also have another role to play in our body. They act as antioxidants in the body. Antioxidants are those which help in improving health and in addition also protect the body from several chronic diseases like cancer, HIV etc. Some of the foods which are rich in antioxidants are pomegranates, blueberries, dark chocolate, Green tea etc. Many people ask the question about how antioxidants work.

If you also want to know that how do antioxidants work, then read on this article till the end as it can give you some useful information about the question "how do antioxidants work". Antioxidants are the substances which capture the free radicals in our body thus protect our body from several diseases. Antioxidants are vital for our body as lack of antioxidants in the body can make us more prone to diseases. Before studying that how do antioxidants work, first let us learn that what free radicals are. Free radicals are basically unstable oxygen atoms which are generally produced by several natural processes of our body or by the adverse effects of several toxins like smoke of cigarette. Free radicals are very harmful for our body cells as they are very reactive but they are also being used by our immune system to fight against various harmful bacteria. Free radicals can also cause cancer in our body and can also lead to several heart diseases. So, it is very essential that we should have plenty of antioxidants in our body so that all the free radicals can be captured.

Basically there are three vitamins that can be considered as antioxidants. They include vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin A (beta-carotene). However, there are some more substances which have antioxidant properties. These substances can include flavonoids (fruits and vegetables), trace mineral etc. Antioxidants works as body's natural defense against the free radicals present inside our body. Let us learn something more about how do antioxidants work. Basically antioxidants are the enzymes that move around our body cells in search of free radicals. Whenever they find any free radical in the body, they capture it and neutralize it. In this process of neutralizing the free radicals, the antioxidants do not damage themselves. After neutralizing the free radical, the antioxidant removes the radical from the circulation.

Now you must have learned that how do antioxidants work. But the major thing which you have to keep in mind is that in order to capture all the free radicals in your body you should have plenty of antioxidants that is vitamin A, C, E and several fruits and vegetables. The reason of this is that because if your body will not have proper amount of minerals and vitamins, then your body will not be able to produce sufficient amount of antioxidants because of which you will become more prone to diseases. This will also allow the free radicals to damage your body from inside which can lead to several chronic diseases. So, it is recommended that one should take in those food stuffs which have plenty of antioxidants as it helps us in fighting various diseases and also helps us in maintaining a good health.

Now you have completely learned that how do antioxidants work. But taking in antioxidants in right amount is not enough for maintaining a proper health. You should also perform regular workouts so that you can increase your rate of metabolism which ultimately helps in keeping yourself fit. You should also avoid fatty foods as it leads to obesity. You can also take help of physiotherapist or dietitians to maintain a proper amount of antioxidants in your body.

If you still have any doubt that how do antioxidants work then you can take help of several books that can provide you a detail study about antioxidants.

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